Rotation of authorities in Ecuador's public health and social security system


  • Diego F. Aguirre Andrade Universidad Central del Ecuador


rotation of authorities, health, institutions, governance


This study analyzes the rotation of the highest authorities of social security and public health in Ecuador during the period 2017-2022. The appointment of authorities is not an ad hoc solution to the structural problems faced by the institutions, but their atypical rotation affects and weakens their institutional performance. The methodology used is mixed, gathering qualitative information and quantifying turnover. This work is based on the theoretical current of neoinstitutionalism. The study argues that the high rotation of authorities weakens the institutional framework of the entities, hinders internal governance, and hinders the construction of policies that respond to the problems of health and social security.

Author Biography

Diego F. Aguirre Andrade, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Politólogo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (FCSH) de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE).


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